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When you’re planning a move with a professional removalist company like Two Brothers Removals, it’s natural to wonder about the liability for damages. Moving can be stressful, and the safety of your belongings is a top concern. In this blog, we’ll delve into the question, “Are removalists liable for damages?” and provide you with insights on when to take action.

Are Removalist Companies Insured for Damages?

When you’re entrusting your precious belongings to a removalist company like Two Brothers Removals, it’s natural to have concerns about their liability for potential damages. Understanding the extent of their insurance coverage can provide peace of mind during your move.

Reputable removalist companies, including Two Brothers Removals, typically carry insurance to safeguard your possessions throughout the moving process. This insurance is a fundamental part of their service, intended to address any damages that might occur due to accidents or mishandling during the move.

However, it’s essential to read the fine print along with some of the Government’s official stance regarding the specifics of removalist insurance. While removalists do provide coverage, it often has limitations. Generally speaking, it covers damages resulting from actions directly linked to the removalist team, such as the accidental dropping of a fragile item or damage incurred during transportation. This is to make sure that if such incidents occur, your belongings are protected, and the removalist is held responsible.

Two Brothers Removals | Are Removalists Liable for Damages?

Nevertheless, if you possess valuable or delicate items that exceed the standard insurance coverage, it’s prudent to engage in a conversation with your chosen removalist. Inquire about any supplementary insurance options they may offer. These additional policies, sometimes known as “full-value protection” or “valuation coverage,” guarantee that, in the unfortunate event of damage or loss, you receive the complete replacement value of the item. This stands in contrast to the basic reimbursement, which is usually determined by the weight of the item.

Two Brothers Removals | Are Removalists Liable for Damages?

Do I Need Insurance for Moving, If So, What Kind?

Moving is a significant event, and ensuring the safety of your belongings is a top priority. As you plan your move with professionals like Two Brothers Removals, you might wonder whether you need additional insurance and, if so, what type best suits your needs.

The necessity for additional insurance during a move largely depends on the value of your possessions and your comfort level with the existing insurance offered by the removalist company.

While removalist companies typically provide insurance to protect your belongings during the move, it’s essential to assess whether this coverage is sufficient. One crucial consideration is the value of your possessions. If you own high-value items such as fine art, antiques, or expensive electronics, it’s prudent to contemplate purchasing additional insurance. This supplementary coverage, often referred to as “full-value protection” or “valuation coverage,” ensures that in case of damage or loss, you will receive the complete replacement cost of the item, rather than just a standard reimbursement based on weight.

The decision to opt for additional insurance also hinges on your level of comfort and peace of mind. If you have concerns about the safety of certain items or if you simply want to be extra cautious, discussing insurance options with your removalist is a wise move. They can provide you with insights into the various insurance choices available and help you select the one that aligns best with your specific requirements.

When considering insurance for your move, take into account the unique nature of your belongings. For example, if you’re transporting valuable artwork, you may want to look into specialized art insurance. Similarly, if you have a collection of rare and valuable items, exploring customized coverage may be worthwhile.

At What Point Am I Liable for Things Breaking When Moving, and When Is It the Removalist at Fault?

The safety of your belongings during a move is of paramount importance, and understanding the nuances of liability for damages is crucial. When can you hold the removalist responsible, and when are you liable for broken items? Let’s delve into these aspects to shed light on this essential matter.

Determining liability for damages incurred during a move involves considering two key factors: negligence and contract terms.



If damages arise due to the removalist’s negligence, such as mishandling, dropping, or improper packing, it is typically their responsibility. This is where the insurance carried by the removalist comes into play, covering the cost of repairs or replacements. When you notice a removalist team failing to handle your items with care or causing visible damage during the move, it’s crucial to document the incident and report it promptly.

Contract Terms

The terms outlined in your contract with the removalist play a vital role in determining liability. It’s essential to carefully review the contract before signing it. Some removalists may have specific clauses that define their level of responsibility. This may include clauses stating that they are not liable for damages caused by poor packing or pre-existing damage to items. Ensure you fully understand these terms and seek clarification if needed.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider your own role in ensuring the safety of your possessions during the move. If damages result from inadequate packing, improper protection of fragile items, or items that were already damaged before the move, the liability may shift to you.

To minimize disputes and ensure a smooth move, here are some proactive steps:

Proper Packing

Take care to pack your belongings properly, especially fragile items. Use sturdy boxes, and appropriate packing materials, and clearly label fragile items to alert the removalist.


Communicate with the removalist about any delicate or valuable items. Provide clear instructions and discuss your concerns before the move begins.


Document the condition of your items before the move with photographs. This can be invaluable if a dispute arises over damages.

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